Date: Fri, 18 Feb 94 04:30:32 PST From: Ham-Digital Mailing List and Newsgroup Errors-To: Ham-Digital-Errors@UCSD.Edu Reply-To: Ham-Digital@UCSD.Edu Precedence: Bulk Subject: Ham-Digital Digest V94 #43 To: Ham-Digital Ham-Digital Digest Fri, 18 Feb 94 Volume 94 : Issue 43 Today's Topics: AmiCom 2.0: Compatible with MFJ-1278T ? AmiCom 2.0: Compatible with MFJ1278T? (2 msgs) Analog WEFAX pictures with SoundBlaster (2 msgs) How to send mail from internet to packet? Kaypro terminal emulator Q: Easy Mobile Packet? (2 msgs) SoftModem WEFAX with Kantronics KAM Send Replies or notes for publication to: Send subscription requests to: Problems you can't solve otherwise to Archives of past issues of the Ham-Digital Digest are available (by FTP only) from UCSD.Edu in directory "mailarchives/ham-digital". We trust that readers are intelligent enough to realize that all text herein consists of personal comments and does not represent the official policies or positions of any party. Your mileage may vary. So there. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 17 Feb 1994 04:43:49 GMT From: ucsnews!!!wupost!udel!!!dorsai! Subject: AmiCom 2.0: Compatible with MFJ-1278T ? To: I recently ftp'd AmiCom 2.0, and although it appears to be a well-written piece of software, am having difficulty interfacing it with my MFJ-1278T (Firmware Release 3.6). A "Sync. error - trying to Resync" message keeps presenting itself. I have tried modifying and tweaking the '' file to no avail. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated; especially considering that the program documentation is in German. Thanks in advance for any help. -- John Monaco ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 17 Feb 94 00:54:07 GMT From:!nyx! Subject: AmiCom 2.0: Compatible with MFJ1278T? To: I recently ftp'd Amicom 2.0, and although it appears to be a nicely written piece of software, I am having trouble interfacing it to my MFJ-1278T (firmware release 3.6). A "Sync. error - trying to Resync." message keeps presenting itself. I have fooled around with the '' file to no avail. As the documentation is in German, any help would be greatly appreciated. ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 17 Feb 1994 10:55:43 GMT From: pipex!!!!!!ugun2a! Subject: AmiCom 2.0: Compatible with MFJ1278T? To: In article <>, (Santo Monaco) writes: > I recently ftp'd Amicom 2.0, and although it appears to be a nicely > written piece of software, I am having trouble interfacing it to > my MFJ-1278T (firmware release 3.6). A "Sync. error - trying to > Resync." message keeps presenting itself. I have fooled around with > the '' file to no avail. As the documentation is in German, any > help would be greatly appreciated. What you need to do, is put your MFJ into KISS mode and change the file to KISS.drv ! As simple as that ! Works very good with my MFJ 1274... Daniel -- __ /// Daniel Pfund Internet: __/// University of Geneva, Economics AX25: \\\/ only AMIGA makes it possible ! ham radio amateur ------------------------------ Date: 17 Feb 94 21:57:32 GMT From: agate!msuinfo!!!merlin!!!dmssyd.syd.dms.CSIRO.AU!metro!grivel!! Subject: Analog WEFAX pictures with SoundBlaster To: In article <> (Sakari Mattila) writes: >Unsynchronised demodulation causes (pseudo)random noise or artifacts >in the picture. I have seen a solution to this problem: 1. oversample >signal (maybe 9600 samples per second), 2. remove sign, ie. rectify >the signal, 3. average (four samples if 9600 samples per second) and >4. the averaged values are pixel values. Line synchronisation is best >done after averaging. > There is an error in the sampling frequency. It must be at least 19200 samples per second, ie. four times the minimum theoretical sampling frequency. I am not sure, wheter it is better to keep as close as possible the multiples of carrier, 2400 Hz or make random oversampling. Some experimenting is needed. Sakari Mattila VK2XIN, OH2AZG (Cis: 71307,1525) P.O.Box u13 tel. +61 67 733752 -------------------------------- Armidale NSW 2351 --------------------------- ------------------- ------------------------------ Date: 17 Feb 94 21:06:36 GMT From: agate!!!!msuinfo!!!merlin!!!dmssyd.syd.dms.CSIRO.AU!metro! Subject: Analog WEFAX pictures with SoundBlaster To: Newsgroups: Subject: WEFAX with Soundblaster card ... some pointers References: <> Organization: University of New England, Armidale, Australia It would be relatively easy to program SoundBlaster to receive analog WEFAX pictures on 137 MHz and 1.7 GHz, with proper receiver, of course. WEFAX information is transmitted with FM modulation with 50 kHz bandwidth. The picture information in audio signal is one sideband modulated on 2400 Hz carrier. For best picture quality, demodulation should be synchronised to the 2400 Hz audio carrier, that is difficult with SoundBlaster. Unsynchronised demodulation causes (pseudo)random noise or artifacts in the picture. I have seen a solution to this problem: 1. oversample signal (maybe 9600 samples per second), 2. remove sign, ie. rectify the signal, 3. average (four samples if 9600 samples per second) and 4. the averaged values are pixel values. Line synchronisation is best done after averaging. The theoretical resolution of analog pictures is something like 800 x 800 pixels, picture with 400 x 400 pixels looks good, even 250 x 250 is usefull. Eight bits per pixel will more than enought for satellite pictures. One problem we had while using the old German digital WEFAX system (UKW Berichte / VHF Communications, late 1970's) was the electrical noise from digital circuits. We had to record the sound on audio tape all digital systems switched off and later produce pictures. Ordinary PCs are powerfull noise sources up to 500 MHz. Thus audio recording may still be a good idea. There are good examples on how to program SoundBlaster in /pub/msdos/sound ... SBPROG10.ZIP, SBF3.ZIP, SNDBLST4.ZIP files with C and assembly language examples. By using this code one will not need SoundBlaster development kit. When somebody writes a WEFAX program for SoundBlaster, please let me know ! Sakari Mattila VK2XIN, OH2AZG (Cis: 71307,1525) P.O.Box u13 tel. +61 67 733752 -------------------------------- Armidale NSW 2351 --------------------------- ------------------- PS. There has been articles on receiving the digital 1.7 GHz WEFAX transmissions with a special computer in VHF Communications and Wireless World (Electronics and Wireless World) magazines. There is also an offical ESA publication (1970's), describing hardware interface for a PDP-8. It would be rather easy to make similar interface for PCs. ------------------------------ Date: 14 Feb 94 15:43:07 GMT From: ncar!csn!dora! Subject: How to send mail from internet to packet? To: I'm kinda new to amateur radio and I was wondering, how (or can) I send a mail message from my internet machine to a packet radio bbs? How would I go about this? My name server never heard of the address. The address is Is it possible to do???? Thanx for the help... -et -- Eddie D. Tuggle, | "There is nothing either good or TRW Denver Operations | bad, but thinking makes it so." 16201 Centretech Pky / Aurora, CO 80011 | -- SHAKESPEARE Voice: 303.360.4001 FAX: 303.360.4133 | ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 16 Feb 1994 00:49:34 GMT From: agate!!!!!! Subject: Kaypro terminal emulator To: Steve, There is terminal emulation and communication software for at least the Kaypro II. I've seen it. Don't have it at hand. Last I remember, I got some from the CPM forum on compuserrve. If you run out of ideas, give me another email and I'll check out CIS for you. Jim KB2LMO ------------------------------ Date: 17 Feb 1994 20:00:18 GMT From:!! Subject: Q: Easy Mobile Packet? To: Anyone have any advice for a convenient way to connect a packet TNC to a mobile rig? It would be nice not to have to keep unplugging from the external speaker jack, not have to unscrew the microphone, etc., if you could switch from mike to packet & vice versa. Also it would be convenient to run the TNC off of the car's power. I want to use a KPC-3 TNC, an Icom 228H, and a laptop computer. Thanks. Dan Collison N1PNE ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 17 Feb 94 22:29:16 -0500 From: psinntp!! Subject: Q: Easy Mobile Packet? To: MFJ makes a number of different switches that let you switch between the mike and the tnc. -Seth ------------------------------ Date: 17 Feb 1994 13:12:49 GMT From:!agate!!pipex!sunic!!!nuug!!KremlSun!kiae!relcom!!!victor@network. Subject: SoftModem To: Hello ALL I read about new phone SoftModem. DigiCom made "Connection", "Scout+", etc softModems. Risc Processor 16.6 Mhz do ALL modems function by programme which loaded into the modems RAM. With this technology possibly to get all main Amateur digital modes. (Of course with new Amateur SoftModem and Software support.) Can you tell me about working for amateur SoftModem ? I know about amateurs DSP-2232/1232, but it is very expensive and have built-in software for various mode. It is some other... 73! Victor, RX3DIN ------------------------------ Date: 17 Feb 1994 15:53:39 GMT From: ucsnews!!!!swrinde!sgiblab!!olivea!!scdt! Subject: WEFAX with Kantronics KAM To: My KAM+ manual cryptically implies that a can use special software to receive WEFAX pcitures. Is there a FTP-able package to do this? Also, what does the KAM actually do when you put it into WEFAX mode? -- Doug Braun Intel Design Technology 408 765-4279 / decwrl \ | hplabs | or maybe: -| oliveb |- !intelca!mipos3!cadev6!dbraun | amd | \ qantel / "There is no human problem which could not be solved if people would simply do as I advise." -- Gore Vidal ------------------------------ Date: 14 Feb 1994 15:08:44 -0000 From:!sgiblab!swrinde!!!pipex!warwick!!! To: References , <>, <> Subject : Re: Packet BBS run off of a SUN? In article <> (Michael Lo) writes: > Are there any BBS programs for Linux ? At the moment, I know of two under development - G7IUB is developing one to run under WAMPES (a bad idea, IMHO) and I'm (slowly) working on some form of BBS for Linux using the kernel AX25. This may be some time though :-) In the immediate term, the Linux port of WG7J's JNOS (by KF8NH) works real nice - I used to run it myself. 73 Mike G7GPA -- +- Mike Knell, University of Nottingham, UK -=- --+ | --THIS SPACE TEMPORARILY BLANK-- | AMPR: | | (until I can think of a decent joke)| AX25: | |UNDER the overpass! OVER the underpass! Around the future and BEYOND REPAIR!| ------------------------------ End of Ham-Digital Digest V94 #43 ******************************